The Growth

The growth at American Faith & Family Ministries has been very blessed by God's Amazing Grace to accomplish the work of Ministry debt free.  We have been completely volunteer based until 2020, when God made a way for funding to take place that would catapult the Ministry forward internationally. With the clear direction to Go into Ghana, Africa, AFFM will have a Ministry base of operations there & hopefully through this, God will raise up new Team Members to help. 

AFFM currently has close connections with those in Ministry work for Jesus Christ in various nations ranging from Africa to Pakistan. Only God knows how He will grow this Ministry Team to accomplish all He is calling us to do for Him.  James 4:15 reminds us of the attitude we should have about these things & says, "Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” ESV. May we be The Team that always honors God in all we do for Him!