1 min read
31 Jan

When we were in Accra (Ghana's Capital) over the Christmas Holiday we had a very unusual encounter I thought I would tell ya'll about and also share what the Lord has spoken to me about it since.
John, Zeke and I had been to the store to pick up some food items to bring back to Sunyani. The selection of American food is much much better in Accra so we always shop when we are there. We were sitting in traffic, like always in Ghana, and the normal group of people selling things were walking up and down the line of cars offering their wares. This is so common here that we joke that we could probably buy most of what we need with out ever leaving the car and the variety of items offered is sometimes really funny (think Jane Fonda workout videos and interesting African art)
We had just been to the store so we had everything we needed so we politely shake our heads no as they pass by the vehicle. Sometimes the sellers are more persistent and we have to open the window to say no. Well this one man, I believe he was selling tissues (what we call paper towels). We really didn't need any but being white in a predominantly black city we often have more visitors to our vehicle than others do. This man really wouldn't give up and walk away and said "I need money to buy some water". Well, among the many things we carry when we travel is extra water bottles, so I reached in the back seat to grab him one. I handed it to John who then tried to bless this man with a free bottle of water. His expression was one of total shock. He said no to the water and walked away. He realized that he had gotten what he asked for but in truth he really didn't want water, he wanted money.
As John and I have discussed this event several times and I think he even used it in a sermon at one church, the message of that moment has really solidified in our hearts.
How often do I ask God for what I think I should ask for or what I think I want. If God really knows our hearts (and of course He does) then who do I think I'm fooling. Let me give you an example. Sometimes as followers of Jesus, we pray for His perfect will in our lives. I have done this repeatedly throughout my walk with Christ. Then when He answers that prayer with something unexpected or something unpleasant (yes, He does this) we quickly pray for God to remove the circumstance that we forget we really did ask for. We really wanted His will but we want it to come packaged and pretty and pleasing, we don't desire trial, tribulation, sickness or a myriad of other possibilities that God would use to bring about His will in our lives.
Somewhere along the way we as Christians began to expect that walking with Christ would be easy, fun, and have great rewards along the journey. If we look at the lives of the disciples and the early church, that notion would be dispelled quickly. Take Stephen, he was stoned for preaching the word, stoned to death. Not quite the outcome the many in the church today would expect.
I recently went through a trial here in Ghana, I found a lump in my left breast. That led to doctor visits, ultrasounds and mammograms and lots of travel. In the middle of this I came to this realization...What if God used this just to have us pray for my doctor, She had a need and we have continued to lift it before the Lord. What if everything that happened was just for Her to receive the prayer she needed, would I say it was worth it...Absolutely! I would go through it all again if that is what He wanted as an outcome. Now, I am not perfect and I can tell you it took a few days for that to settle in my heart, but once it did, the peace settled it all! Thankfully I can say the cyst they found is gone and so is all my pain (Prayers of my friends and family made all the difference)
Well enough preaching! Thank you for taking time to read this and join me in this ever changing exciting journey God has us on here in Ghana! Until next time...keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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