1 min read
01 Jan

Preaching here in Ghana has mostly been John's domain.  I am used to being a Pastors wife and sitting dutifully through services in full support of the gift and callings on his life.  I have also used my teaching gift in multiple ways through the years and seasons of the life we have had together.   I really enjoy teaching and have really worked on my abilities over the years (if you were in one of my early teachings, thank you and forgive me!)  I can stand up in any crowd and talk with ease and confidence...until Ghana!

Having to be translated made me so nervous when I first stood up to teach, I was done in about 8 mins.  Thankfully the women here were curious and had many questions to fill the remainder of the time I had to speak.  When I think back on that day, I could kick myself for working myself into a panic over things that never really mattered anyways.  I then took a few months to really ask questions and learn about the lives of Ghanaian women, and time to pray and ask God for what He would have me share.  

I was able to stand and share (or preach) at one service before we traveled home in 2020 and it was well received and it was a spur of the moment request by the pastor when we arrived for service that morning.  I really enjoyed it and relaxed and let God move through me to communicate His words for that congregation.  Fast forward to last week in Suma...

My spiritual Son, Isaac who Pastors in JiniJini was the host pastor in Suma (it is a church plant of his) made this sticker for the event and added my picture and name for the first time here in Ghana.  

This added some pressure to me as I was now a planned speaker at the convention. I knew what word God had for me to give.  He spoke plainly to me one morning as I lay in bed talking with Him.  He dropped  the names, Abigail and Nabal into my heart.  I then started studying and taking notes and burning the word in my heart!  I was ready but still fearful.  I did the normal pep talk, "I can do this" but then I realized it really isn't about me at all,  its about Him and "I can do all things through God who gives me strength".  So I straightened my spine and stepped into the new role He has added to me here.  I gave the word as He gave it to me.  Straight forward, honest and very direct as usual.  The people received the message with some nervous laughter and some openness and the question portion at the end went on so long that Isaac had to step in and end it so John could deliver his message.  I pray that lives and hearts were impacted and Christ will rule over culture here in Ghana.  Thanks for joining me on this Journey...Till next time. 

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